Just so you know, you mean a lot to me.
Your presence and friendship has encouraged me far more than you can imagine.
This is gonna be heavy guys. But, it's the truth. Once, I thought I would never really have good friends. After a lot of bad friendships that ended in disaster, I really did believe that I was friend un-worthy.
Then I realized something, that I may truly be friend-unworthy. That, I may have done some things/ been somethings that makes me less than friend material. That's where Jesus comes in guys. He sees everything unworthy in me, and still loves me just the same.
Guess what that means? I can make friends, by His grace, who see all the mess in me and still love me the same. because even the perfect Son of God was willing to do that. Amen?
Thank you also for your encouragements to be better, to be holy, to be more like Jesus. because we all know that we need more mini-Jesuses in this world, bringing glory to our Father above.
Love you all.
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